Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Loss of Innocence

I believe that the nation did lose its innocence after assassination. It made people lose hope in our country. It took away the image that many people had of the United States. It made it look like an unsafe place and a murderous one. People began to question what they could have done to stop this event. They began to blame themselves. The rest of the world began to think that the United States might not be as great as a country as maybe it once was said to be. It affected the way people looked at us. It also affected the future of our country. It caused future generations to look at our government as bad and not trustworthy. The future us are already questioning the credibility of our country and government.


I feel like 9/11 did have a similar effect. It looked bad on the government. People started to question the security at airports and its systems. How were they allowed or not caught before had? It’s almost impossible to get through an airport already. They began to think what they could have done to fix it and why the government didn’t have that done already.


In my opinion I believe that the government killed JFK. He was good. He wanted peace and the nation loved him. I believe that they were afraid of him. That didn’t fit the standards that they wanted in the government. They didn’t like him so they got rid of him. The government was becoming part of the illuminati. JFK didn’t fit the description for an illuminati leader. He was good, he wanted good, and searched for peace and good. You can’t have a good leader when the rest of the government wanted to take over and control the people. So what do they do? They get rid of him and they cover it up. It didn’t fit their agenda. They have to control every aspect of it to be able to take control. They couldn’t just kick him out. It wasn’t that easy. So they got rid of him in a way that was easier for them and didn’t make them look bad. They framed someone else and didn’t let any information out about it. They were messy with it. They didn’t do a good job at covering it up. So, they cover it up. I truly believe this. This isn’t just an unfortunate thing that happened. This was fully intentional.

It was far from a coincidence when it came to RFK and MLK. People were thrilled that his brother stepped up to help pursue what his brother had started. That he continued with keeping the peace. They couldn’t have someone that the people looked up to and admired that actually wanted to do good in this world. So just like any other person that did good, they killed him. Martin Luther King wanted the same thing. He wanted equality and wanted peace between blacks and the whites. The illuminati wants chaos and hatred between people. Martin Luther King was just getting in the way of their agenda. He didn’t fit that agenda so they also got rid of him.

Is it a coincidence that every president after John F. Kennedy has done very little good for this country? They became smarter in the way they did things. They began to control the elections and the votes. They made the presidents look good but once they got in they didn’t do anything they promised. Have you noticed how everything that once has been looked on as bad in now good and everything that was looked at as good is now bad. Everything is backwards. Not even slowly; actually quite drastically.  The music is absolutely horrible. You can’t listen to song now days that aren’t about drugs, sex, or that doesn’t have profanity. They not only are taking over our government but also every aspect of our lives. They get to people in a way that they don’t really realize it. Everybody listens to music. So they got in to the music industry. They control how we think and how we perceive things like drugs and sex. 

It’s easier to control a smaller group of people. The past couple decades abortion has boomed. They take population control into their own hands. They put fluoride in our water and for what reason. Fluoride is a poison. Vaccinations have become more and more popular over the years. They’re just pumping a bunch of diseases into babies that don’t even have a fully developed immune system. This makes the autism rates also increase. Not a coincidence.

They can’t have a leader up their speaking the truth because this would ruin their plan. They get rid of the good people and replace them with someone who will do what they need them to do. I truly believe this is why JFK, MLK, and RFK were killed.



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