Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Trump vs. Nixon

Trump and Nixon are very similar in many ways. One of the most common similarities is they both strongly supported the Police. If there were any riots at the political debates they just blow it off and say that the Police will handle it because they support them. They both had a lot of riots at their debates. They also have had some similar feelings on the African American race. They both have showed racism towards them. Trump, however, has showed racism towards all races that are not American. Nixon was just specifically African Americans. Nixon blamed them for all of America’s problems when Trump just does not like them.

Trump believes that the Police are the most mistreated people in America. Donald Trump has a very bad reputation with other foreigners. He is constantly criticizing them and wanted to build a wall to keep them out. Richard Nixon was very good with foreign countries. He knew how to talk to them and how to make peace with them. Donald Trump so far, has just made them angry and made them hate America. He also seems to be against all foreign relations at all. In a way they are very similar, but yet they are very different.