Thursday, February 18, 2016

Asian Auschwitz Reaction

            This article was extremely disturbing to me. Just the fact that they thought of this stuff is crazy. I don’t understand how they could think of this and do it! The thought of cutting someone open makes me sick but doing it while they are alive is unimaginable to me. I couldn’t do it. What made them able to do it? They were slaughtering innocent human beings alive and using them a science experiment. Their minds were so twisted and demented. There was so much evil going on.

            What makes it even worse is how they called them “logs”. They were people who deserved to be treated like one. I feel like there is a point in war where you can go too far and this definitely went too far. They said that sedating them would interfere with the experiment but the only thing it would interfere with is the person’s pain. They know that it would hurt so I don’t know why they would have to see the pain and make them go through it. War is bad enough as it is, why create a crippling plague that could potentially kill off millions and millions of people including their own. They don’t know what that disease could do completely because it could become worse and more powerful.


 What really makes me mad is that the American government kept it a secret so they could get information. These people deserved to be charged with the unimaginable crimes they committed. It sickens me that someone could know that information and just ignore it to get information. It also makes me wonder what they wanted the information for. Did they want to use it for their own and to use it against people the same way? I hope not. I wish they would have gotten would they should have had coming to them.