Monday, December 7, 2015


Now that the Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife are assassinated by terrorists of Serbia, we are now looking at a strong possibility of a war. We need to prepare ourselves for the possibility of joining this war. The tangled system of alliances may be the reason of us getting pulled into this war. We have allies that are involved and we are obligated to help out.

            Nationalism is the main cause of this war. The European countries think so highly of their countries and military and were overconfident that they often butted heads with the other countries.

            We have good relations with France, Russia, and Great Britain and will be joining their side. Italy was on the other side but joined the side of our allies. I know many of you will not be in the acceptance of joining the war but it is important that we do. We need to stand up for our alliances and help them out so they may return the favor if needed in the future.

If anything from this war affects the country or its people in any way we will be joining and fighting for our country and for our alliances. We need to prepare for this possibility and spend as much time with our loved ones that will be going overseas to fight in this war. We need to prepare for the battles ahead of us and grief and stress it may cause. So let’s please come together as a country and stick together in this and fight for what is right.

Friday, December 4, 2015


In summer/ fall of 2014,  John Fauber dug up some dirt on the FDA. He found out that the drugs that they were giving to patients were not tested and were actually killing them. One of the drugs was suppose to allow a 69 year old male live longer but instead shortened his death to 4 months by gastrointestinal bleeding. He also found that the cancer drugs that they were making they charged 11,000 dollars when they had no proof that the drug actually worked. He found that 74% of the cancer drugs on the market have no proof of extending life of the patients. While others are demanding the FDA to speed up the approval for the drugs, they found a way to get around it and let the drugs on the market without the pro
per testing.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Veteran's Day

When I read this article I learned that the way our soldiers are treated is horrendous. They go their giving their lives for our country and for its freedom of its people or so they thought. Turns out that when they go over there they don’t only have to be scared of the enemies and the loss of their lives, they are afraid that if they make a mistake they will be charged for a crime and sentenced in prison. This is so wrong. This is called the ROE or the rules of engagement. There should be no rules in how they fight. As long as they do it with a conscience and do what they think is right. If they feel threatened in any way they should be able to defend themselves and not get charged for murder for it. When they are sentenced for their “crime” they aren’t testified by our people but by the enemies. What a perfect opportunity we give the enemies to take our people down!

Because of all this it is causing our soldiers PTSD and to take their lives. They are in fear of doing anything wrong. So many innocent soldiers that survived are questioned and interrogated to make sure they did everything the “right” way. They are scared and I don’t blame them. There should be no murder charges in war because its war and people are going to die.

I believe that citizenship is our duty. If there is something wrong in our government I believe that it’s our right to fight against it and make the changes that need to be changed.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Bacha Bazi

Bacha Bazi or “boy play” is a huge problem going on right now in Afghanistan. American soldiers have encountered Afghan soldiers sexually abusing and molesting young boys. The American soldiers were told that they have to turn their heads and try to ignore these horrible events. They are told that what is in Afghan culture has nothing to do with why they are there and they need to focus on why they are, even if this is happening on military camps. It is hard for the soldiers to not want to do something about it when this is so greatly frowned upon in the US.

I feel like we should do something about this. We know that it is wrong and something should be done. If we are willing to fight for the rights of those children then I think we should. The American policy says to no get in the middle of it can keep good relations with Afghanistan. I understand where they are coming from but why would we want to keep relations with a country that is doing something that is so horrible in our culture. It is a hard thing to wrap my head around. This is something we as Americans feel so strongly about and we should be fighting for what is right and for the rights of every human because that is what we do.